RaceSched (1.5) Online Manual© 2004-10 by Bruce Richards RaceSched allows you to track the NASCAR race schedule. Update the winners each week from the driver file. View races and drivers. Send race information to the Datebook application. This program is freeware. Enjoy!
This program utilizes several libraries to perform it's functions. If you wish to share this application with a friend you will have to give them the installer program to install on their PDA. Once they have the program and all libraries you can beam the software database back and forth to each other. Version History: Version 1.5 (01/11/10) - Updated with 2010 NASCAR Sprint Cup schedule
Version 1.4 (01/21/09) - Updated with 2009 NASCAR Sprint Cup schedule
Version 1.3 (01/27/08) - Updated with 2008 NASCAR Sprint Cup schedule
Version 1.2 (01/14/07) - Updated with 2007 NASCAR Nextel schedule
Version 1.1 (01/30/06) - Updated with 2006 NASCAR Nextel schedule
Version 1.05 (01/16/05) - Updated with 2005 NASCAR Nextel schedule
Version 1.0 (01/22/04) Released 01/22/04 Installing: Hotsync the RaceSched Installer.prc file to your PDA. You will see an icon called InstRaceS in the PDABruce category. Select this icon to install and launch RaceSched. Several files will be extracted from the archive and the archive will delete itself. SoftwareDB will automatically run once the installer has completed. When you exit the program you will see the RaceSched program icon. | Prior to installing
After installing
| The first screen that appears is the Race Schedule screen. Select the Details button to add/edit enter a new race. Once you have some races entered they will display on this screen. The 2010 NASCAR Nextel Cup schedule is provided with the installation. Select a race in the list to edit/delete the entry. Select the Drivers button to view the Nextel Cup drivers. Select the Tracks button to add/edit/view the race tracks. The current tracks for the 2010 season are provided with the installation. You can tap the Date title to sort the data in date order. You can tap the Winner title to sort the data by winner in date order. | Schedule
| The Race Detail screen is where you enter the winner of the race or add/edit race information. Tap the New button to add a new race. Select the Down Arrow in the Driver field to select who won this race. You can send the race information to the Datebook application after you have updated the winer of the race. Select the Send to Datebook button to update the Palm® Datebook. Use: - |< - to view first race
- < - to view previous race
- New - to create a new race
- > - to view the next race
- >| - to view the last race
- Del - to delete the current race
- All - to display all races
- Tracks - to add/edit race tracks
- Send to Datebook - to send the race information to the Datebook application
You can delete the schedule database by selecting Delete Sched from the Options menu of this screen. You can delete just the dates and winner information from the database by selecting Delete Dates from the Options menu of this screen. You can export the database to the Memo Pad application by selecting Export Memo from the Options menu of this screen. | Race screen
| The Tracks screen allows you to add/edit race tracks as required. Use: - New - to add a new value
- Edit - to change a value
- Del - to delete a value
- Sort - will sort the values in ascending order, tapping the sort a second time will sort the values in descending order
- Up/Down - to move a value up or down in the list
- Done - to return to the previous screen
| Race Tracks
| The All Drivers screen allows you view all the drivers on file. You can tap the titles Driver, # and Make to sort the list in that order. Tap the Edit button to add/edit the driver information. Tap the Schedule button to return to the race schedule. | All Drivers
| The Driver Detail screen allows you to add/edit driver and car owner information. Tap New and fill out the fields. The 2010 Nextel Cup drivers are included in the installation. Use: - |< - to view first race
- < - to view previous race
- New - to create a new race
- > - to view the next race
- >| - to view the last race
- Del - to delete the current race
- All - to display all races
- Tracks - to add/edit race tracks
- Schedule - to return to the schedule screen
You can export the driver database to the Memo Pad application by selecting Export Memo from the Options menu of this screen. | Driver Detail
This program is freeware. Cost: FREE |